Sedes Sapientiae
GSK-Chair of Infectious Diseases
(Chaire GSK de Maladies Infectieuses / GSK-Leerstoel in Infectieziekten)

a joint academic activity of the

Université catholique de Louvain and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

1st session of the Chair: 20-22 october 2003

"Respiratory Tract Infections"

Holder:   Prof. Harmut Lode
Professor of pneumology and infectiology, 
Department of Chest and Infectious Diseases, Hospital Heckeshorn
Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Lectures and seminars (click on the title to see the slides):
  • Pneumonia: state of the art
    (plenary lecture given at the KU-Leuven on October 20th)
  • Guidelines in the treatment of pneumonia : the pros and the cons
    (discussion seminar given at the Cliniques universitaires St-Luc (UCL) on October 21st)
  • The (important) role of the pharmacist in the handling of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    (lecture given to the students in Pharmacy of both the KU-Leuven and the UCL at UCL on October 21st)
  • How can the pharmacist help to implement useful guidelines in a major hospital
    (seminar given to the pharmacists specializing in Clinical Pharmacy at the UCL on October 21st)
  • Bronchiectasies
    (seminar given at the Akademische Ziekenhuis Gasthuisberg [KU-Leuven] on October 22d)

Organizers and permanent Chair holders:

with the support of  GlaxoSmithKline-Belgium

Last significant update: October 22d, 2003